It’s Alive!

Yes, finally after many months slaving over a hot keyboard, the Website Checker from Aykira is finally live…
We hope people will find it useful, as it has been designed to meet the needs of website owners and website developers.
Reports for Website Owners
For the first group, website owners, the Website Checker is a one stop health check of your website, from it you can check:
- SEO – is the website actually coded correctly to maximise Search Engine Optimisation and hence feature highly in search engine results?
- SEM – does the website do its best to ensure you get the best quality score and offer a good user experience?
- Security – is the website set up securely?
- Spelling – checks if you have spelt anything wrong..
- Performance – is the website loading up quickly?
- Legal – references to Privacy Policies, Terms & Conditions and Copyright present?
- Traffic – can be integrated with Google Analytics to see your traffic.
Plus if you run reports over time for a web page, i.e. before and after some work done, the report will highlight what has changed for you.
The webpage reports come with a handy top ‘score out of 100’ section on top covering Performance, Security, SEO and Mobile with an overall score. In fact, to make it really easy to understand, there is a 3 ticks to 3 strikes for each – so its visually very easy to see where things are wrong and need some attention.
Reports for Website Developers
Fed up of having to use multiple tools to check that your website is up to spec and firing on all cylinders? Rather spend your time doing productive work than trying to work out what all the different reports mean? Like to have something to share with your clients showing how good you are?
Well, the Website Checker could be the answer – as you can use it to:
- Check new client websites before you take them on – see exactly what you need to do and where the current website is at fault.
- As you develop use the Website Checker to make sure you are on track to deliver a quality website.
- Once finished share with your client the before and after reports to show exactly how good you are.
We think this is an excellent way of separating yourself from the crowd and all the ‘outsourced’ development agencies out there – now you can prove to your clients that you know exactly what you are doing in a form that they can understand.


Latest posts by Keith (see all)
- Privacy, PII, Europe and your business - May 19, 2017
- Website Security Scanning – CMS checks - April 2, 2017
- SEO Performance checking and monitoring - April 2, 2017
- Landing Page Monitoring - March 13, 2017
- 3 Ways In Which Google’s Mobile First Ranking Affects SEO - January 4, 2017