SEO Performance checking and monitoring

In order for your website to be successful online, you need to know if your SEO is actually working or not. This can be quite difficult to assess yourself as your SEO quality depends on lots of different factors, such as:
- Keyword usage – Are you using the right words and phrases in the right way?
- Markup quality – Are your pages well constructed and do they make it easy for search engines to understand?
- Speed – Slow websites do not do as well as fast websites
- Social Media – Does the website tie in well to social media?
- Technology – How the website is engineered has an impact…
Now if you are none technical person who does not know one end of webpage from another – how exactly are you doing to assess if your SEO performance is up to scratch? How can you be absolutely sure your website is firing on all cylinders? It’s a bit like being asked to tune an engine and you do not know even how to change the oil..
Checking your SEQ qualities – the easy way
All the above qualities (and more) can be easily checked using our online website checker tool. It will tell your in plain English what needs to be done to fix your website (for a small fee), including full technical details, so you can share the report with your technical people and get them to fix it for you. Then once they have done the work, run the report again, and it will highlight for you what is better (or what is worse…).
It really is that easy – you do not need a PhD in Computing (we have that) – to improve your website SEO qualities and general ‘polish’ over all. As a lot of what is done to improve SEO also improves the experience of using your website at the same time. We like Win Win situations.
So, want more traffic? Want more click through on your AdWords campaigns for less cost? Then try the website checker today.


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